NEW PODCAST: Kathy in Conversation with Get Your Goat


“Change is all around you and sometimes you’re ready for it and sometimes you’re not!”

-The Get Your Goat Podcast

On a new episode of the Get Your Goat podcast recorded September 9th, 2020, Kathy discusses the ways that her career has taken several directions, and how this has helped her discover her passion for nurturing generosity and philanthropy, and for helping people and organizations reach their full potential. Her story is one that reiterates the old adage that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

Inspired by Kathy’s story, listeners to this episode have commented that it helped them through the struggle of losing their job after moving to a new town; it relieved some of the guilt around creating change in a child’s world by moving cities; and reinforced for one listener the notion of maintaining your reputation and doing the right thing even when the world around you seems to be spinning.

Get inspired and brighten your day with this upbeat episode.