Adapting to support you in these troubled times

A message from Kathy Arney, president and founder


Dear friends,

In light of the now global pandemic, we’ve been blown away by the kindness and the way everyone from major gift donors to regular Canadians has been pulling together to take care of one another.

Thank you. I know that all of you are working so hard to ensure that your organizations are operating, that your team is taken care of, and that your clients, whoever they are, have access to the programs, services and products that they need. Keeping the doors open and the lights on during this time — keeping calm and carrying on — is an act of bravery and generosity. 

From our team to yours, thank you for everything you do. 

How we can help

During these turbulent times, I wanted to reach out on behalf of the team at KEA Canada to let you know what we are doing to adjust to these evolving circumstances to continue to provide you with support when and where you need it.

  1. Remote Meetings. We already work from home. In order to respect the recommendations for staying home, we will be conducting meetings via phone or videoconference wherever possible. From time to time, we may be able to coordinate a walking meeting to meet in person in the outdoors - a great way to look after our physical and mental health while supporting your goals.

  2. Sounding Board. You already know that we offer a sounding board, a thinking partner, strategic advice as you work through issues and challenges.  In the coming weeks with the ripple effects of this crisis on your daily work, we will continue to support you by being available to you, by keeping up with the latest information, and by developing ideas and tools to help you build relationships, adjust to the current circumstances, and continue to do your good work.

    ***Free support***

  3. Adding free support. We know these are difficult times, often with increasing demand for services and uncertain income. We have now added free support to nonprofits, donors and their leaders during this difficult time. Please use our online scheduling system to easily book one of the KEA Canada team members for a conference call. Click on the button below to set up a meeting.

4. Business As Usual.  Finally, we will continue to support your work to the very best of our ability.  Should you wish to use this time to plan, to strategize, to build your capacity, etc. we are here to help.

We look forward to being here for you and to working together to ensure your organization moves through these upcoming challenges with heart, hope and a little help.

Warmest wishes,